Rhetorical Thai Bo
To my cardigan comrades who speak in logic and lack the quip. Class is in session and it's little strange and sort of funny. Maybe a knock out punch or two mixed in.
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
George Orwell
Sun-Tzu says paper push as a tiger and they shall fall.
The secret knowledge of evil is how to turn living beings into property. The freedom movement groups know 'how and when' they started...
Mark Twain--There was an American
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man." --...
Trump slide in Germany
The most recent useful idiots....Detroit we are looking at you.
Click the picture for useful idiot training. Ruling elites are necessary for a revolution to take place to conspire from a place of power...
We thought the East India Trading Company business model was dead. We were wrong.
This is a good illustration of how our government has turned into the same operating model as the old "Crown" (Crown-the investing arm of...
An Important Neologism For The Conflict
PEDOPHIST noun An individual who, while not necessarily attracted to children or being a practicing pedophile himself, is nevertheless...
Argument against the 19th Amendment, exhibit 4738385793
What happens to folks when they buy into new worldlyness is that they then blame the traditions they rejected when it turns into a...
Media Conditioning Psy-Op
Boomers especially are susceptible to this stuff because they trust nearly everything they see on a screen. I believe this type of thing...
This just in CNN get's its news jokes and racial sensitivity content from...Porn.
Truth, Facts and Media Hearsay
What is required for something to be considered truth. What we can learn from the rules that govern what is considered legitimate...
Just to drive home, what the names they call you really mean.
Fact is that the only response left to us is to not care and pinch back harder.
You might be an extremist if...
Found this helpful insight into why people think us extreme and 'far-right', they even view our beliefs as violent. Of course, based on...
The worrier spirit we all need.
Before the convergence of Marvel they used to encourage our culture to display true heroism and bravery. Something lost to more and more...
They Hide Behind Polite Lies
How do we get what is polite? What is good etiquette? The left elites own the liberal arts education pool, it is in the study of say...
The thing about a liberal govenrment
Liberals refuse to acknowledge that they have become the state, hold all major positions of power and influence. As such they are not...
"The White Talk"
The Talk an article laid out by John Derbyshire really broke down the important forward looking imprint racial justice has had in...
The old Ruskies tried to warn us.....
At its birth violence acts openly and even with pride. But no sooner does it become strong, firmly established, than it senses the...
Sovereignty Rabbit Hole
I have been headed down some Alice in Wonderland stuff on the natural law that governs Man and Woman. Needless to say I like many have...